



Dr. Aziz Emmanuel Al-Zebari is lecturer in the Department of English, College of Arts, the Catholic University in Erbil, KR, Iraq where he is primarily involved in teaching English Arabic /Arabic English translation and Syntax to undergraduate students. 
Dr. Al- Zebari holds Ph.D. in Linguistics/ Endangered Language Documentation from the University of Salahaddin in Erbil, KR, Iraq.  In his Ph.D. Dissertation, he has documented the endangered Neo-Aramaic Dialects of the Aqra Region in KR, Iraq. He has also published articles on other aspects of the grammar of the dialects. 
He also holds MA in Linguistics/ Translation from the University of Mosul. He has has published  many books translated from English to Arabic and vice versa. 
He is currently engaged in documenting the Neo-Aramaic Dialects in collabouration with Cambridge University. He is a collabourator of a Comparative Anthology of Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish Folklore from Northern Iraq (Vol.1,2) ; published by Cambridge University.    
Dr. Al Zebari has also worked as editorial translator and standby correspondent with Reuters in Baghdad and senior translator and media officer with UNFAO. 

Academic Title: Lecturer

General Specialization: Linguistics / Endang

Specific Specialization: Language Documentati

Contact Details:


Phone: 07504202360

Degree University Name General Specialization Specific Specialization Country Date
PhD University of Salahaddin Linguistics / Endang Language Documentati Iraq 2019/10/01
Title Status Journal Name & Number Type Date
The Development of Interdental Consonants in the Neo-Aramaic Dialects of the Aqra Region Published Aramaic Studies Scopus 2022/08/24
The Morphology of Adjectives in the Neo-Aramaic Dialects of ?Aqra Published Aramaic Studies Scopus 2021/07/13
LEXICAL ITEMS RELATING TO MATERIAL CULTURE IN THE NENA DIALECTS OF THE AQRA REGION Published Studies in the Grammar and lexicon of Neo-Aramic Scopus 2017/07/24
    Course Name Level Semester Department
    Syntax Third Fall 23 English
    Syntax Third Spring 23 English
    Translation - Arabic to English Fourth Spring 23 English
    Translation - Arabic to English Fourth Fall 22 English
    Translation - English to Arabic Third Fall 22 English
    Translation - English to Arabic Third Spring 23 English
      Project Title Degree Department
      Loan words in the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Qaraqush B.Sc. English
      the Poetry of the Yazidi poet Kheder Faqeer B.Sc. English