



I am Dr Omar A. Khalaf. I gained a PhD.- Architetcure from UKM - Malaysia. I have more than 12 years of ?teaching experience in Architecture. 

Academic Title: Lecturer

General Specialization: Architecure

Specific Specialization: Urban Design

Contact Details:


Phone: 07710239472

Degree University Name General Specialization Specific Specialization Country Date
PhD National University of Malaysia Architecure Urban Design Malaysia 2022/01/01
M.Sc. University of Technology Architecture Urban Design Iraq 2012/12/26
Title Status Journal Name & Number Type Date
A Review: Eco-Friendly Technologies and Sustainable Development of Urban Friendliness Spaces Toward New Urbanism Design Approach Published Jurnal Kejuruteraan, Special Issue 6(1) 2023. IF 0.6 Impact Factor Journal 2023/10/31
Conservation of Urban Heritage Pockets in Erbil Historical City Published International AGYA Conference “Tangible and Intangible Heritage: Between Architectural Aspects, Urban Specificities and Local Cultures”, Berlin- Germany, 18 – 19 October 2023, Journal with DOI 2023/10/19
People’s Ages and the Effectiveness of Using Activities In the Built Environment of Commercial Streets Published Scopus Q2, The Planning Malaysia Journal (PMJ) Scopus 2022/06/07
    Course Name Level Semester Department
    Architectural Design VII (Infill ) Fifth Fall 24 Architecture
    History of Islamic Architecture Third Spring 24 Architecture
    History of Medieval Europe Architecture Third Fall 24 Architecture
    Landscape Design Fourth Spring 24 Architecture
      Project Title Degree Department
      Pedestrian walkable street B.Sc. Architecture